LIMNI runs locally on an individual’s laptop or inside of secured infrastructures without needing internet connectivity for model building, training, or daily operations. This isolates the models and data, which protects user privacy by ensuring personal all data never leaves their domain. Strict access control and encryption safeguard the sensitive information provided to the system, allowing LIMNI to meet the most stringent organizational requirements around IP protection and infosec. LIMNI can be utilized for a wide range of tasks, both big and small. With its versatile functionality, it can be deployed at scale to solve many of today’s challenges. LIMNI is available now in private BETA.
learn moreSed amet posuere non eget tincidunt. Viverra tincidunt eget eu ornare ante rhoncus amet. Dictumst natoque urna et tellus fermentum.
Sed amet posuere non eget tincidunt. Viverra tincidunt eget eu ornare ante rhoncus amet. Dictumst natoque urna et tellus fermentum.
Sed amet posuere non eget tincidunt. Viverra tincidunt eget eu ornare ante rhoncus amet. Dictumst natoque urna et tellus fermentum.